Your gift means peace of mind
Like many seniors, Bob’s assets were limited. Yet when Bob’s funds were depleted through no fault of his own, he was able to remain in his Benedictine home with support from Benedictine Care. “When Bob moved from private pay, there was no change in his care. Same people, same caring, nothing changed at all,” his wife Mary said. “That gave me peace of mind.”
Legacy gifts to the Benedictine Care fund make a difference today and into the future. Through Benedictine Care, Bob and others like him are able to remain in their Benedictine home after they have exhausted their financial resources. Government funding pays only a portion of the cost of care, but Benedictine Care helps those who have made our Benedictine Living Communities their home to remain in their special place.
Your reasons to give may be different.
- Perhaps you personally received physical therapy in a Benedictine Living Community in order to resume normal activities and want others to benefit from the same services;
- You want the peace of mind your family now enjoys because your loved one who needed care now enjoys a safe and active lifestyle in a Benedictine Care Center;
- You want others to experience the joy that your friend and neighbor has in their new Benedictine home where they relish the activities and support that make their lives full.
- You see the need your community has for quality long term care and you want to make a difference by support the Benedictine Mission.
Whatever your reason to give, you can be assured that your generosity will have an impact on the lives of many of our society’s most vulnerable at time when the need is great.